رسالة من اللاجئين الارتريين المسجونين لـ 3 سنوات في معسكر احتجاز
اسرائيلي، قبل عام سنت الحكومة الاسرائيلية قانونا اطلقت عليه "منع التسلل"
وفيه تجرم دخول مواطنين من دول أخرى لاراضيها حتى لو أعلنوا أنفسهم لاجئين
أو طلبوا مقابلة ممثلي المفوضية السامية لشئون اللاجئين. يأتي اللاجئون
لاسرئيل عبر سيناء المصرية بعد دفع مبالغ نقدية للمهربين وغالبا ما يتعرض
معظمهم للتعذيب والاهانة.
في نهاية أغسطس الم
قال وزير الداخلية الاسرائيلي أنه سيتعقب اللاجئين السودانيين في المدن
لسجنهم في معسكر بني خصيصا في الصحراء، ثم ترحيلهم قسريا لمصر ثم لبلدانهم.
تتشابه حكومتا مصر واسرائيل في الاخلال بالتزاماتهما الدولية تجاه
اللاجئين، يخترقان اتفاقية جينيف ويرتكبان معا جريمة الترحيل القسري
للاجئين إلى بلدانهم حيث يخشى فيها على سلامتهم وحياتهم. أبرز اللاجئين في
اسرائيل الآن من السودان (بالأخص دارفور وجنوب السودان) وارتريا وبعض
الدول الأفريقية الأخرى. To whom it may concern):
Subject: The judgement against Eritrean refugees in Israel
As we all know, it has been years since we were compelled to leave our country as a result of a deteriorating economic and political crisis. We came to Israel escaping intolerable levels of repression and human rights violations in our country. However, we are now concerned to learn that the Government of Israel is in preparation to implement a policy which forces asylum seekers to remain in prison camps for three years or to forcibly return them to their country of origin. We are also psychologically depressed by the prolonged stay in prisons. The reasons for our depression are as follows:
1. Most of us were serving in the army for many years without a pay. Many have went through untold suffering in prison centres and have also sustained some injuries during the war and cannot tolerate hardships any longer.
2. Some of us are underage children who fled compulsory military conscription at schools and are displaced accordingly.
3. Some of us are over the military conscription age and were civil servants who refused to be conscripted on account of our age and were accordingly imprisoned or dismissed from jobs. We were forced to leave our country in search of safe have where we would be to take care of our families.
4. We also have women some of whom are mothers. Others have left their children in Eritrea and many of them are wasting their reproductive and marriageable age in the prison camps.
We came to Israel after crossing the borders of three countries and overcoming incredible levels of hardship. The imminent decision of a three-year forced stay in prison camps or forcible return to Eritrea comes as distressful news to us. We have endured in the past tremendous levels of hardship, which includes dreadful torture and ransom of tens of US dollars by smugglers and human traffickers. Some of us have left their children in Eritrea and are being forced here to live in detached prison camps cordoned by walls and gates. We are all refugees like all other refugees in other countries and those who have entered Israel previously. We haven’t done anything to be condemned for such kind of treatment and segregation. What did we do to be detained in cordoned sections? The situation is unbearable and is causing upon us a great deal of psychological depression. We beg concerned government organs in Israel to find a solution to our predicament. If the Government of Israel cannot find a solution to our problem, we kindly appeal for our request to be communicated to the relevant organs of the United Nations, and human rights organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and others.
في نهاية أغسطس الم
Subject: The judgement against Eritrean refugees in Israel
As we all know, it has been years since we were compelled to leave our country as a result of a deteriorating economic and political crisis. We came to Israel escaping intolerable levels of repression and human rights violations in our country. However, we are now concerned to learn that the Government of Israel is in preparation to implement a policy which forces asylum seekers to remain in prison camps for three years or to forcibly return them to their country of origin. We are also psychologically depressed by the prolonged stay in prisons. The reasons for our depression are as follows:
1. Most of us were serving in the army for many years without a pay. Many have went through untold suffering in prison centres and have also sustained some injuries during the war and cannot tolerate hardships any longer.
2. Some of us are underage children who fled compulsory military conscription at schools and are displaced accordingly.
3. Some of us are over the military conscription age and were civil servants who refused to be conscripted on account of our age and were accordingly imprisoned or dismissed from jobs. We were forced to leave our country in search of safe have where we would be to take care of our families.
4. We also have women some of whom are mothers. Others have left their children in Eritrea and many of them are wasting their reproductive and marriageable age in the prison camps.
We came to Israel after crossing the borders of three countries and overcoming incredible levels of hardship. The imminent decision of a three-year forced stay in prison camps or forcible return to Eritrea comes as distressful news to us. We have endured in the past tremendous levels of hardship, which includes dreadful torture and ransom of tens of US dollars by smugglers and human traffickers. Some of us have left their children in Eritrea and are being forced here to live in detached prison camps cordoned by walls and gates. We are all refugees like all other refugees in other countries and those who have entered Israel previously. We haven’t done anything to be condemned for such kind of treatment and segregation. What did we do to be detained in cordoned sections? The situation is unbearable and is causing upon us a great deal of psychological depression. We beg concerned government organs in Israel to find a solution to our predicament. If the Government of Israel cannot find a solution to our problem, we kindly appeal for our request to be communicated to the relevant organs of the United Nations, and human rights organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and others.