
السبت، 5 ديسمبر 2020

مصر - "حق شهيد" حملة توقيعات بمطالب أسر شهداء و مصابي الفريق الطبي #كورونا

حملة "مصيرنا واحد"                                                         القاهرة في 5 ديسمبر 2020

بيان إعلامي

"حق شهيد" حملة توقيعات بمطالب أسر شهداء و مصابي الفريق الطبي

حملة "مصيرنا واحد" دشنت اليوم السبت 5 ديسمبر 2020 حملة توقيعات بعنوان "حق شهيد" موجهة إلى السيد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي  رئيس الجمهورية ، للمطالبة بتنفيذ توجيهات الرئيس نحو حقوق شهداء الفريق الطبي و التي تجاهلتها الحكومة، و ذكرت الحملة في مستهل مطالبها إلى رئيس الجمهورية " إيماءً إلى تصريحات السيد رئيس الجمهورية في الإعلام المصري بمعاملة شهداء و مصابي أعضاء الفريق الطبي من أطباء و تمريض و صيادلة و فنيين و إداريين، كشهداء و مصابي القوات المسلحة و الشرطة، تلك التصريحات التي تُعد برهانًا على صدق الشكر و العرفان من رئيس الدولة لتضحيات الفريق الطبي،إلا أن الحكومة المصرية تتجاهل تنفيذ تلك التوجيهات مما يجعل هذه التصريحات منافية للواقع الذي تعيشه أسر شهداء الفريق الطبي و مصابيه،و الذي تعاني فيه أسر الشهداء سوء الأحول المعيشية لتدني دخلها حيث أن المعاش الحكومي لتلك الأسر متوسطه الألف جنيه و يقل في حالات الشباب من شهداء الفريق الطبي،فضلًا عن عدم التقدير الذي تلقاه تلك الأسر في الجهات الحكومية".

و دعت حملة "مصيرنا واحد" جميع أطياف المجتمع للتوقيع على تلك المطالب في إطار حملة التوقيعات التي ستستمر حتى نهاية ديسمبر الحالي ،ليتم رفعها إلى السيد رئيس الجمهورية بالمطالب الآتية:-

1-    ضم أسر شهداء الأطباء إلى المخاطبين بالقانون 16 لسنة 2018 الخاص بصندوق تكريم أسر شهداء و مصابي العمليات الحربية و الإرهابية و الأمنية.

2-        صرف معاش إستثنائي لأسر شهداء الفريق الطبي.

3-    تنفيذ الهيئة القومية للتأمينات صرف معاش الوفاة نتيجة إصابة العمل طبقًا لقرار الإدارة المركزية للجان الطبية بالهيئة العامة للتأمين الصحي،و الذي ينص على إحتساب الوفاة بسبب فيروس كورونا للفريق الطبي وفاة إصابية.

4-       إعلان وزارة الصحة عن الأعداد التي تم وفاتها و إصابتها من الفريق الطبي،و الذي يتم رصدها فعليًا من إدارة مكافحة العدوى بوزارة الصحة.

و تؤكد حملة "مصيرنا واحد" أن تحقيق هذه المطالب العادلة سوف يحقق الإطمئنان لأعضاء الفريق الطبي على ذويهم و هم يواجهوا خطر الموت للزود عن المجتمع أخطار جائحة كورونا.

رابط حملة التوقيعات 

يذكر أن حملة مصيرنا واحد هي حملة تم تدشينها في نوفمبر 2017 لمناقشة القضايا الصحية و المشاركة في وضع حلول لها،و سبق أن شاركت في عدة ملفات هامة مثل "المسئولية الطبية"و "الإعتداء على المستشفيات"و "التوعية بالأمراض النادرة".

الاثنين، 23 نوفمبر 2020

عائلات 41 طبيب توفوا جراء #كورونا يخاطبون الرئيس المصري لصرف معاش إصابة عمل

القاهرة - تقدم منذ أمس 41 (واحد و أربعون ) أسرة من أسر شهداء الأطباء في جائحة كورونا، بشكوى إلى السيد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي رئيس الجمهورية،متضررين فيها من تجاهل الحكومة لتكريمهم و صرف مستحقاتهم طبقًا لتوجيهات و تصريحات الرئيس ،و قد جاء فيها (بداية نوجه لسيادتكم خالص الشكر و التقدير لإشادتكم بالفريق الطبي و تقديركم لإداءه و عنايتكم بمصابي و شهداء الفريق الطبي الذي تجلى في تصريحات سيادتكم و توجيهاتكم للحكومة بمعاملة أسر شهداء الطب معاملة أسر شهداء العمليات الحربية..و لكن للأسف الشديد حرص سيادتكم و توجيهاتكم لم تقابلها الحكومة بالإستجابة السريعة،فحال أسر الأطباء شهداء كورونا يرثى لها،فتعلمون سيادتكم أن المعاش عن العمل الحكومي يتراوح بين ال 800 جنيه و الألف و نصف حسب سنوات العمل للطبيب المتوفي،الذي ترك أسرة و أطفال،و في حين صدر في 31 مايو 2020 قرار الإدارة المركزية للجان الطبية بالتأمين الصحي بإحتساب الوفاة بكورونا "وفاة إصابية" تستحق عنها أسرة المتوفي به من الأطباء مستحقات معاش الوفاة نتيجة إصابة عمل ،إلا أن الهيئة القومية للتأمينات ترفض تنفيذ ذلك) ، و اختتمت أسر الشهداء الشكوى بمطلبين رفعتهم إلى السيد رئيس الجمهورية و هما :-

1-    ضم أسر شهداء الأطباء إلى المخاطبين بالقانون 16 لسنة 2018 الخاص بصندوق تكريم أسر شهداء و مصابي العمليات الحربية و الإرهابية و الأمنية ،و الذي يتيح القانون للسيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء ضم فئات أخرى إليه.

2-    تنفيذ الهيئة القومية للتأمينات صرف معاش الوفاة نتيجة إصابة العمل طبقًا لقرار الإدارة المركزية للجان الطبية بالهيئة العامة للتأمين الصحي.

و قد صرحت د.إيمان  سلامة عضو مجلس نقابة الأطباء و مقرر اللجنة الإجتماعية لحملة"مصيرنا واحد"،أن اللجنة الإجتماعية على تواصل مستمر مع أسر الشهداء و تدعم تقديم تلك الشكاوى لرئيس الجمهورية،و أضافت سلامة أن اللجنة الإجتماعية تعاني تجاهل المسوؤلين في وزارة الصحة و الهيئة القومية للتأمينات من مطالبات النقابة لصرف حقوق أسر الشهداء،كما أكدت د.ايمان أن نقابة الأطباء لن تتوقف التحرك في كافة المسارات لنيل أسر الشهداء حقوقهم التي هي جزء قليل من تضحيات الأطباء،و الواجب على الحكومة و المجتمع المدني القيام بدورهم لرد جميل الأطباء الذين قدموا أرواحهم طوعًا و ما زالوا دفاعًا عن المجتمع في ظل جائحة كورونا و غيرها.

و تطالب "حملة مصيرنا واحد" الحكومة و المجتمع المدني القيام بواجبهم نحو أسر شهداء الفريق الطبي كافًة حتى لا يلتفت أعضائه قلقًا على أسرهم و هم يواجهون خطر الموت، و تؤكد"حملة مصيرنا واحد" أنها ستشارك و تدعم العديد من الفاعليات و الخطوات المشروعة حتى تنال أسر الشهداء حقوقهم.

                                                    منسق حملة مصيرنا واحد

                                            د.أحمد حسين عبد السلام


السبت، 14 نوفمبر 2020

مصر - أسر أطباء توفوا نتيجة كورونا يشكون من عدم إعتبارها إصابة عمل وعدم إصدار شهادات وفاة مميكنة بسبب الوفاة الفعلي

عن حملة مصيرنا واحد
بيان إعلامي
 ( مطالبة الحكومة و الإعلام بتناول مشاكل أسر شهداء و مصابي الفريق الطبي و دعمه ) وصلت إلى حملة مصيرنا واحد العديد من شكاوى أسر شهداء الفريق الطبي و مصابيه في جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد،و التي تبرز معاناتهم مع العديد من الجهات الحكومية أهمها عدم إعتراف الهيئة القومية للتأمينات بكون الوفاة بسبب فيروس كورونا المستجد وفاة إصابية و إحتساب الإصابة بها إصابة عمل، كما أكدت شكاوى أشر الشهداء عدم صدور شهادات وفاة مميكنة مُوضح بها سبب الوفاة نتيجة للفيروس،مما يُهدر معه حق تلك الأسر في مستحقات المعاش عن الوفاة الإصابية و ينحسر معاشها تحت مبلغ ال 1000 جنيه ،و هذا رغم صدور تعليمات رسمية معممة من هيئة التأمين الصحي أواخر مايو الماضي بإحتساب الوفاة بفيروس كورونا المستجد وفاة إصابية و الإصابة به إصابة عمل. و مع إشتداد جائحة كورونا و تزايد أعداد المصابين بها في مصر و العالم، تتوجه الحكومات المختلفة للتأهب و الإستعداد لمواجهتها،و على رأس تلك الإستعدادات الحفاظ و الرعاية لخط الدفاع الأول و هو الفريق الطبي،إلا أن الوضع مغاير للفريق الطبي في مصر..لذا تطالب حملة مصيرنا واحد الحكومة المصرية بسرعة بحث و حل مشاكل أسر شهداء و مصابي الفريق الطبي و معاملتهم فعليًا معاملة أسر شهداء و مصابي العمليات الحربية و الإرهابية المخاطبين بالقانون 16 لسنة 2018،و ذلك حتى يأمن الفريق الطبي على حياة ذويهم و هم يواجهون خطر موت محقق في مواجهة الفيروس اللعين، كما تطالب حملة مصيرنا واحد وسائل الإعلام المختلفة بتناول مشاكل و قضايا الفريق الطبي و دعمهم معنويًا. منسق حملة
مصيرنا واحد طبيب / أحمد حسين عبد السلام 01115152991

الثلاثاء، 22 سبتمبر 2020

Mohamed Salah to call for connected, quality education for #refugee children, at UN General Assembly

Salah’s message to world leaders at the UN General Assembly: ‘Let’s make sure all children, including refugees, can go to school and achieve their dreams.’
22 September 2020 Globally renowned footballer Mohamed Salah is to take center stage alongside refugee youth at the first-ever virtual UN General Assembly (UNGA) today, calling for every child to access a quality education, including refugees.


  • To watch today’s session entitled ‘Unlocking Hope: A conversation with Mohamed Salah, Refugee Students and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on Quality Education for All’ at the UNGA’s SDG Action Zone, register at and tune in at 09.45 EST / 15.45 CEST HERE
  • To view the session after it has finished, you can visit the following link

Salah, an Ambassador for Vodafone Foundation and UNHCR’s Instant Network Schools (INS) programme, has teamed up with refugee students from INS schools in Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan, to address world leaders at the ‘SDG Action Zone’ at 09.45EST/15.45CEST today. His message is clear: ‘We must make sure that all young people – including refugees – get an education. Now is the time to make sure refugee students don’t get left behind. And with COVID-19, connected education is extremely important.’

During the COVID-19 pandemic around 90% of the world’s school-age children have been affected by school closures, including an estimated 7 million refugees. Adapting to the limitations imposed by COVID-19 has been particularly tough for the 85% of the world’s refugees who live in developing or least developed countries. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, connectivity, even radio sets are often not readily available to displaced communities. The UN Refugee Agency predicted earlier this month that unless immediate and bold action is taken by the international community to beat back the catastrophic effects of COVID-19 on refugee education, the potential of millions of young refugees living in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities will be further threatened.

Salah says: “Refugee children have been through so much but remain incredibly strong. They have many dreams and hopes, like all children. I heard from four students, Pacific, Luel, Salama and Fatna who represent millions of young people living in refugee camps across Africa. These four young people have inspired me and given me hope. They have shared their dreams for the future and told me what education means to them. Having access to technology and the internet transformed their classrooms and I want to make sure other children in refugee camps and communities have the same opportunities. Especially now as we face COVID-19, education is everything to refugee children and they should not be left out.”

Fatna, a 20-year-old refugee in an INS supported school in South Sudan, who sent a message to Salah for today’s event says: “I started school in 2008. We used to write on the ground. I remember the first day when I connected to the internet and I am learning new things every day from ICT. It has helped me to get very new information, which I did not know before. Education is the key to success and education is the key to the future. Education is the key to life - through education you can achieve many qualities and be a good person in the future.”

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, who will introduce Salah at the UNGA SDG Action Zone session later today says: “Education is a lifeline for all children, and especially those who have been forced to flee violence and persecution. It provides them with hope, opportunity, and the tools to make the most of their potential. The COVID-19 pandemic is regrettably making receiving an education even more difficult, especially for refugee children who were already twice as likely to be out of school as non-refugee children. Our cooperation on the Instant Network Schools programme, championed by Mo Salah, expands the opportunity to equip refugee children with the skills and knowledge they need to live a better and more dignified life.”

UNHCR, governments and partners are working tirelessly to bridge critical gaps and ensure the continuity of refugee education during the current pandemic through connected learning, television and radio, and by supporting teachers and caregivers to engage with students while observing health guidelines.

But without greater support to education, the steady, hard-won increases in school, university, and technical and vocational education, enrolment for refugees could be reversed – in some cases permanently – potentially jeopardizing efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all.

The Instant Network Schools progamme was set up in 2013 as a partnership between Vodafone Foundation and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to provide quality education to refugee and host country students. The programme transforms an existing classroom into an online hub for learning, complete with internet connectivity, sustainable solar power and a robust teacher training programme.

There are 36 Instant Network Schools currently operating across eight refugee camps in Kenya, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. Vodafone Foundation and UNHCR are expanding the programme to benefit 500,000 learners and 10,000 teachers. By 2025, 255 new Instant Network Schools will be opened, including 20 schools planned this year in Mo Salah’s home country, Egypt, and in Mozambique.

الخميس، 18 يونيو 2020

Sawiris Foundation partners with UNHCR to support vulnerable refugees amidst COVID-19

Sawiris Foundation partners with UNHCR  to support vulnerable refugees in Egypt amidst COVID-19. The partnership, launched this month and running through November 2020, secures monthly cash grants to refugees currently in dire need of support.

18 June 2020
Cairo, Egypt 

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, celebrated every year on 20 June, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, partners with the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development (SFSD) to support distressed refugee families in Egypt amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

The generous contribution from Sawiris Foundation will support 2,673 refugee households identified by UNHCR as highly vulnerable as a result of COVID-19. The partnership, launched this month and running through November 2020, secures monthly cash grants to refugees currently in dire need of support to make ends meet, having lost their livelihood due to the pandemic and have either been or are at risk of being evicted.

This is the first partnership between UNHCR and Sawiris Foundation, who normally fund economic empowerment and educational programs for the most marginalized Egyptians.

“Sawiris Foundation has been actively empowering the most disenfranchised Egyptians for 19 years since its founding, through access to top notch education and job opportunities.  We have been quick to respond during the COVID outbreak to support families most impacted in these difficult times. Our Board recognizes the importance of including refugees in Egypt in our plans as they are certainly amongst the most vulnerable populations. We are certain that through this collaboration we can give some hope and needed assistance to these families,” said Eng. Samih Sawiris, SFSD Founding Member and member of its board of trustees.

“UNHCR’s multi-purpose cash assistance programme is a means of protection and livelihood support to refugees and asylum-seekers unable to meet their basic needs such as rent, hygiene, health, education, food and other household expenses. We are very grateful for the generosity of Sawiris Foundation and greatly appreciate that together we can provide lifeline support to these families, who otherwise may not be able to cope with their destitute situation,” said Karim Atassi, UNHCR Egypt Representative.

Sawiris Foundation’s donation comes in response to an appeal for USD 10.2 million UNHCR Egypt has made to address the impact of COVID-19. With additional funding, UNHCR would be able to expand its cash programme to reach more refugees in need, support refugee access to primary and secondary healthcare, expand access of refugee children to distance learning and ensure protection services for marginalized groups are maintained.

While the wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers remains at the center of its prevention and response efforts, UNHCR also stands in solidarity with the Egyptian people and continues to coordinate with and support the ongoing efforts of the Egyptian Government to curb the spread of COVID-19.

الخميس، 4 يونيو 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Exacerbates Challenges for Refugees In Egypt

Coronavirus Pandemic Exacerbates Challenges for Refugees In Egypt

4 June 2020
Cairo, Egypt 

Loaded with fresh meals, Arabiyet Elkheir, “the car of good” drove through rugged roads before pulling over in the heart of kilo 4.5 sub-district in East Cairo. Although it was met by an outburst of residents, refugees and asylum seekers in the neighbourhood, the distribution was over before even starting. 
“Please leave,” advised one of the refugee community leaders. “Our lives have been upended by two months of lockdown measures and a meal is not going to fix it,” added one of the refugees, expressing the frustrations of an entire community.
The Arabiyet Elkheir initiative, led by Egyptian actor Ahmed Hatem, Uber and Venture Lifestyle partnered with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to ensure refugees and asylum-seekers were included, alongside Egyptians, in various meal distributions throughout the holy month of Ramadan. The initiative sought to alleviate some of the extra pressures that have befallen them since the outbreak of COVID-19.

“Ramadan is a month of giving, empathy and compassion. It is the time to think about the millions of people who have fled war and violence, who are away from home and away from their family. Not only do they miss their loved ones, but many are also struggling with the exceptional circumstances stemming from COVID-19," said Hatem. “I hope that a hot meal prepared with love helps them feel a little closer to home,” he added.

Unfortunately, the growing needs of the refugee and asylum seeker community in Egypt surpass a hot meal, and some were adamant about making this clear by rejecting this gesture, even if they cannot afford a hot meal for themselves or their families.
Determined, Arabiyet Elkheir proceeded to other densely-populated refugee neighbourhoods where most distributions progressed smoothly, even if the frustration was still palpable and strongly felt by residents and refugees.
Placed within the broader context of the situation of refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt, where 258,910 of them are currently hosted, these sentiments stand out starkly.
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, vulnerability assessments conducted by UNHCR showed that eight out of ten refugees in Egypt were unable to meet their basic needs and were forced to resort to negative coping strategies such as living on credit and sending school-age children to work.
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing crisis, the Egyptian government imposed a partial lockdown since mid-March that restricts mobility and significantly reduces the working hours of many businesses. This has had a direct and far-reaching socio-economic impact on refugees and asylum-seekers, making them particularly vulnerable and driving them further into precarity.
Many refugees and asylum-seekers, who were working in the informal sector, have lost their already humble livelihoods and are not able to provide basic needs to their families. Many are even threatened by eviction or worse, have already been evicted from their homes for not being able to pay rent.

“This coronavirus crisis cost me my job," said Hasnaa, a 45-year-old Syrian refugee who sought asylum in Egypt in 2013 after her husband died in the war. “I do not know how I will be able to meet the needs of my children. Food, clothes and medical treatment require a lot of money and I have nothing," she added.
Hasnaa is one of thousands of refugees who are unable pay rent and risk being evicted from their homes. And while UNHCR works with partners to secure shelter for as many refugee families, the need dwarfs the available resources and more short-term measures and long-term interventions need to be put in place.

UNHCR strives to continue delivery of its protection and assistance services against a backdrop of curtailed movement, limited face-to-face interaction and overarching funding shortfalls. It is also ensuring compliance with the decisions adopted by the Egyptian authorities mid-March, which have ushered in a reduction of its activities.
While doing so, UNHCR ensured continuity of its critical programs mainly from remote. The agency’s four premises in Cairo, 6th of October City and Alexandria remain open, albeit on reduced capacity to respond to priority emergency cases.
UNHCR has also adopted a range of virtual and remote communication tools to allow refugees and asylum-seekers to reach UNHCR, ask questions, and convey their concerns. For example, protection, reception and counselling activities take place through telephone calls and e-mails, and follow-up and advocacy on arrest/detention related matters continue uninterrupted.
Furthermore, essential services related to Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) and Child Protection remain, with prioritization of emergency cases. New arrivals are being recorded by e-mails or phone calls pending resumption of formal registration. Interviews for registration, RSD, resettlement and voluntary repatriation, however, are postponed, except for emergency cases. 

Since the beginning of the crisis, UNHCR has continued to disburse its monthly multi-purpose cash assistance to 40,449 individuals. The cash assistance for the month of May was supplemented by an additional one-off special grant for hygiene items, in a bid to soften the blow against those most affected by the pandemic and its repercussions.

In addition, more than 40, 400 individuals who were not on UNHCR’s regular monthly cash list benefitted from a one-time special grant, also in May, to cover the cost of hygiene items. This was coupled with distributing hygiene products received as a gift from Rotary Egypt.
Nafeesa, a 34-year-old Sudanese refugee living in Egypt since 2009 is one of those refugees and asylum seekers who receive monthly cash assistance.
“I feel ashamed every time I have to borrow money,” said Nafeesa. “I used to work as a Henna artist, adorning the hands of brides-to-be before their weddings. But since the lockdown, I have not been hired. Although the cash assistance I receive from UNHCR provides a lifeline for my family, it is not enough to cover our rent and feed my four children,” she added.
The pandemic has not only undermined the livelihoods of refugees and asylum-seekers, but it has also threatened their freedom of movement as many of them have not been able to renew their residency permits or UNHCR documentation. Therefore, UNHCR has maintained close contacts with the national authorities, and has advocated for tolerance for persons of concern who currently hold expired documents due to mobility restrictions and reduction of services, pending resumption of document renewal services by UNHCR and by the Egyptian authorities.
“UNHCR is extremely grateful to the Government of Egypt for treating refugees and asylum-seekers the same as nationals in its response to Covid-19,” said Mr. Karim Atassi, UNHCR Egypt Representative. From its side, UNHCR has provided 15,000 N95 surgical masks to the Ministry of Health and Population to support medical staff on the frontlines of the pandemic.
Nonetheless, the office still receives hundreds of calls through its infoline and emails from refugees and asylum-seekers reporting their inability to afford their essential needs after the majority of them had lost their jobs. This is coupled with mounting requests for food and financial assistance as many are at risk of eviction by their landlords.
And while UNHCR and partners strive to deliver regular and additional special assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers, we are unable to meet the needs without additional support from the donor community.  “We are living unprecedented circumstances that require innovative ways to demonstrate international solidarity,” Mr. Atassi added, acknowledging the increasing needs of refugees exacerbated by these exceptional circumstances. 
UNHCR is doing its best to provide the much-needed support but what has been offered so far barely covers the essentials of many refugee families, who are plunging deeper into debt and poverty. Without additional support from its generous donors, UNHCR will not be able to respond to the refugees’ needs generated by this unforeseen and unprecedented humanitarian crisis.
The challenges borne by refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt reverberate throughout refugee-hosting countries across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, where nearly 16 million persons of concern to UNHCR reside. Those living on the margins of society are particularly at risk because they often have limited access to water, sanitation systems and health facilities, and cannot afford to lose their jobs.
Therefore, following the updated United Nations COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP), a revised UNHCR Global COVID-19 Appeal was issued on 11 May requesting USD 745 million until the end of 2020 for immediate needs in prioritized countries. 
Reflecting the scale of the crisis, and in line with the GHRP and UNHCR’s Global COVID-19 appeal, UNHCR MENA’s comprehensive 2020 financial requirements for the COVID-19 preparedness and response is USD 343 million.
In Egypt, UNHCR is pleading for 10.2 million USD to help deliver its supplemental life-saving services under the COVID-19. To date, only 6.7% has been covered, signaling a severe funding gap and a looming crisis.

الأحد، 12 أبريل 2020

بيان إعلامي بشأن مشاكل العاملين بمستشفيات عزل مصابي كورونا في مصر ونص الشكوى المرفوعة لرئاسة الجمهورية والجهات المعنية

القاهرة الأحد 12 أبريل 2020
بيان إعلامي
في ظل إنتشار جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد و الذي أثر على كل نواحي الحياة على الكرة الأرضية، ما كان معه حرص حكومات الدول المختلفة على تقديم كافة أوجه الدعم المعنوي و المادي للفرق الطبية و العاملين بالمستشفيات كونهم الخط الأول في مكافحة الفيروس و الأكثر عرضة للإصابة من تعاملهم مع المرضى، و كانت مصر من تلك الدول و بالأخص بعد توجيهات السيد رئيس الجمهورية للحكومة بتوفير سبل الوقاية و إجراء التحاليل و صرف مكأفات إضافية للعاملين بالمستشفيات ، إلا أنه للأسف الشديد فسر المسوؤلون بوزارتي الصحة و المالية تلك التوجيهات على النحو الخاطيء مما أدى إلى نتيجة كانت مضادة لتوجيهات رئاسة الجمهورية،و خلصت إلى الإنتقاص من حقوق هولاء العاملين و ليست الإضافة إليها ، و تتمثل في الآتي :-
1-    بعد إعلان وزيرة الصحة و السكان و مسوؤلي إدارة الرعاية الحرجة بوزارة الصحة للفريق الطبي و العاملين بمستشفيات العزل عن صرف مكأفاة لهم عن عملهم بتلك المستشفيات مقدارها 20000 جنيه( عشرون الف جنيه) مقابل عملهم و إقامتهم المتواصلة بتلك المستشفيات لمدة 14 يومًا يعقبها حجر صحي لهم لمدة 14 يومًا أخرى، إلا أنه مؤخرًا تم إبلاغهم بعدم صرف هذه  المكأفاة و أن ما سيتم صرفه عن تلك الفترة 4900 جنيه فقط للمخالط المباشر و 2450 جنيه فقط للمخالط الغير مباشر للمرضى ، فضلًا أنه بجميع مستشفيات العزل المخصصة لم يتقاضي أيًا من الفريق الطبي و العاملين بها أية مستحقات عن التعامل مع مرضى كورونا منذ بداية عملهم، سوى مستشفى النجيلة الذي كان الصرف الوحيد بها عن الفترة من أول فبراير حتى منتصف نفس الشهر.